Our community has worked hard through its ministries of worship, learning and service to share the love of God and to bring peace to all. We have found great joy in this work. In the pulpit and in our Faith Formation programs we have created generations of men and women who cherish the role of the Lord Jesus in their lives. This is no small feat and has surely been accomplished by the grace of God. God’s grace, however, can only be seen in the world when those who receive it actively work to share it with others.
Our parish has been extraordinarily blessed by devoted congregates who are eager to support the work of our church, seeing in this work the Holy Spirit of God and a clear path leading us and those we share our gifts with to the Kingdom of God.
Our greatest gift at The Shrine is our faithful community! And we invite you to join us through community events and serving the parish with your time and talent.
Assists the celebrant in distributing the Eucharist during the Mass. If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister, contact the Parish Office.
These individuals (adults or youth!) assist the priest during the weekend Masses. We are always welcoming new members to this ministry, please contact the office to express your interest.
Hospitality Ministers greet parishioners and welcome visitors as they gather for worship. They distribute bulletins, select people to take up the collection and invite persons to carry the gifts to the altar. After Mass, they see that the church is neat and tidy for the next Liturgy.
The primary function of this ministry is to read the sacred scripture at Mass, Prayers of the Faithful, and weekly announcements.
Music soothes, invigorates, challenges and unites us in ways in which words alone cannot. Through our gifted choirs, our talented musicians and our moving hymns and acclamations, music enables us to grow closer to the deepest mysteries of God as we join together in prayer.
The power of music in our church is timeless; some of our choir members have been with us for as many as 50 years! Our Liturgical Choir lifts up our 11:30am Masses from fall through spring. We also have an engaging Youth Choir that makes a special appearance a few times each year.
Contact Tom Wilson to add your voice and musical talent to this ministry!
The Parish Council is a group of active parishioners who meet to determine the long-term strategic goals of the parish in coordination with the Pastor and Parish Staff. Members of the other committees are represented during these meetings. The Parish Council President, Secretary, and Vice President are voted in by other Parish Council members and serve a three year term.
The primary function of this committee is to assist the pastor with the review and monitoring of the church and school finances, including preparation of the budgets and review of major expenditures.
SJO meets approximately every 6 weeks, depending on upcoming events and are always in need of more volunteers. This includes people who want to join the Committee full time, part-time, or just for selected projects or to help out in any way with distribution of the generous donations.
To donate items or your time to any of the below projects, please see the announcements in the bulletin throughout the year. Thank you for your generous support!
Pastoral Care Ministers visit the sick and homebound and the Eucharist is taken regularly to Sinai Hospital. If you are interested in becoming a pastoral care minister or if you are at Sinani Hospital and would like to request the Eucharist be brought to your room, contact the Parish Office.
The Fellowship Committee enhances our parish sense of community spirit and fellowship by providing set up, service, and clean up of refreshments and meals at receptions and events hosted at the parish. This includes after First Friday services, Lenten Stations, Sunday Speakers Series, and other special seasonal receptions. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in participating in this committee.
The Livestream Committee is responsible for the broadcasting of the 5pm and 11:30am Masses to YouTube for parishioners and others around the globe to view our services from home. They also manage the livestreaming of select other services, weddings, funderals, and special events held in the church.
If you have a love for children and can offer a few Sundays a year, you have the gifts to be a CLOW leader. Everything is provided for you! Please contact Dr. Rodel Aguas to be a part of this exciting ministry, both for children to participate or assistants to lead!
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are usually received in the second grade of Religious Education. Catechists teaching this grade to assist the Director of Religious Education in preparing the children and their families for these sacraments. Parents attend an information meeting for each sacrament and participate in Sacrament Retreat Days. At these retreats, the children and their families learn more about Reconciliation and Communion through games, crafts, prayer and song. Contact Dr. Rodel Aguas for more information.
This is a great place to start if you would like to be a Catechist one day! Confirmation Candidates are also encouraged to be a part of this ministry for their service hour requirements. Catechist Assistants help with all aspects of the class instruction. You can attend every scheduled class time or just a few – whatever is convenient for you. If this ministry sounds like a match, please click here to contact Dr. Rodel Aguas.
(CLOW) seeks to help children understand and appreciate God’s Word during the Liturgy. CLOW is offered at the 9:00 and the 11:30 am Mass times. During CLOW, children experience the Gospel through songs, words, and crafts.
Our Religious Education Program is taught by faith-filled and loving catechists. Our classes are from late Sept to early May on Sunday mornings from 10:15 to 11:15 am. We offer Pre-K through 8th grade classes. To express your interest, contact Dr. Rodel Aguas for more information.
This Confirmation program is one of the best! We meet approximately 10 times a year for 2 hours on Sundays. We incorporate personal spirituality, prayer life, service, lessons on Church history and catechism, and guest speakers. Just speak to a few of our Confirmed teens and they will tell you about this wonderful experience. This program is designed to make a difference in the life of a teen, we invite you to join us! Contact Dr. Rodel Aguas for more information.
CFC Youth for Christ (YFC) is a family ministry of Couples for Christ (CFC), a Catholic charismatic community and family life movement. It owes its existence, identity, mission, and vision to CFC as it exists as a partner in evangelizing the young. Young People Being and Bringing Christ Wherever They Are
For More Information on CFC Youth at the Shrine: Contact Alan Deiparine through the Parish Office
Visit the official CFC Youth Website: www.cfcyouthforchrist.net/
To Join Us: View Upcoming Events of CFC Youth
We are a young community of believers, a ministry of Couples For Christ (CFC) Global Mission Foundation, filled with the vibrancy and conviction of the Spirit, eager to answer the call to do one thing: spread the love of Christ wherever we go.
YFCs emerged in barangays and Parishes, grouped per household, chapter, cluster and sector. It works closely with the parish structure that it is in, participating in the various activities of the parish.
Serves as Clubs/Student organizations in High Schools. YFC believes that there is a need to evangelize the young from the High Schools because it is in the stage if their lives where their formative foundations are crucial.
Serves as Student organizations in College or University level campuses. This seeks to provide a point of conversion/ reconversion, where a young person can grow as a man or woman of God, and be encouraged to take responsibility and gain leadership as they lead others to God as well.
We in CFC-Youth believe…
That God is calling everyone to a personal relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.
That this call is not exclusive but shared with all sectors of society, regardless of age, color, nationality, status, and beliefs in life.
That the youth have a very special place in God’s heart, and that they in return have a very deep sense of love for God, and that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is something they desire.
That the youth have a vibrant, energetic, dynamic, and free-spirit nature. Rather than denying this nature and force the youth into a mold that satisfies our own perception of Christianity and holiness, we accept this nature, not curtailing it, but re-channeling, into an active expression and submission and participation to the plan of God.
That the youth realize they need to make decisions in life; but they should also know that as they do, God should always be an inseparable part of these decisions; Knowing also that they are future leaders of the families and societies, we realize that this future depends on how they are molded today as God’s children.
That the youth grow not only from what they receive, but more through what they are able to share with others.
That the youth are responsible as long as they are given the appropriate amount of guidance.
Current Ministers: See the links below for the current ministry schedules.